15 March, 2009

Scripture Study

I admit that I am not the most patient of parents at times. I try, but something about preschoolers can be a little grating. We had a sister in our ward give a talk about reading the Book of Moromon. She said that when her children were little one of the brethren gave counsel to read with your children every day out of the scriptures. I felt that I needed to do so with Isabella. Maybe the spirit of the scriptures would help her to listen and obey better. So Leahona and I gave her a copy of her own of the Book of Mormon and we read a couple of verses out of it every night. She plays, she wiggles, and in general makes it a difficult thing. One night we had said goodnight and had turned out the light when Isabella started howling. I gave her a couple of minutes, told her to go to sleep. Finally I asked her what was the matter. "Daddy you didn't read me my scriptures!" I had forgotten. It felt good to know that she had been listening and feeling the spirit. Iyla feels it too. She gets so-o-o-o mad if she doesn't get to come in and read with us. And you know what? Isabella is still learning to be a good girl, and she still behaves pretty much the same, but I am the one with more patience and a better love and understanding for my girl. And I think that is the way it is supposed to be.


Anonymous said...

That is the most important change of all. You children will grow with you!

Kelly said...

I completely agree! I didn't really feel like if I only worked on my patience some things about parenting and my children's attitudes would be different. But after Saturday I realized that I am the one who presents myself to the Lord. Not my children. So all my parenting I do is for MY benefit and learning. That kinda stink cause we work so hard to get our children to behave and do what's right. But you know, after yesterday's lesson in Sunday School (about learning to put yourself in the scriptures where the Lord is giving instruction) I have begun to really love reading the scriptures. WE learn hard lesson sometimes but I am glad the scriptures will always be there to teach me.

Jacob said...

I know what you mean kelly. I wish I had learned it earlier, but I am glad that I am learning it so soon. J

finding_ac said...

this made me happy when i read it. Although i am not a mormon, i can agree that God sent you a message that scripture is important at every age, and so is patience.

i hope that came out the way i meant to say it. i think it is awesome the lessons God gives us and how he relays them to us. I bet he is so proud of you right now!!