18 March, 2009


So I discovered this website www.pandora.com just before Christmas. It is a free "radio" music site that you can pick what type of music you want to listen to. You just tell it yes-I like this song or no-I don't like this song. It is way cool! Anyway- you can have up to 100 channels and when I first signed up I thought that there was no way I would ever have more than 15 tops. I Like music, but how many different types can one person like? I am now discovering that there are differences within the same genre. For example-Latin music. I was listening to Ottmar Liebert who plays a lot of guitar. A Desi Arnaz song came on and totally ruined the trance Liebert had put me in. So I had to create a seperate Desi Arnaz channel. I was listening to that and they tried to play a Pearl Django song. Django's softer jazz trio style totally clashed with the big band sound of Desi. I counted them up and I now have 49 seperate channels! And who knows how many more I have to come? They keep slipping in artists that I like, but don't want together. Oh and thanks to my older siblings, and much to my wife's surprise, I have Air Supply and Queen stations. So remember that music is a very diverse thing. Consider yourself forewarned while I go and deside if I want to listen to "Mormon Tabernacle Choir: or "I am a Child of God".