21 March, 2009


These are our pea and lettuce seedlings. Still waiting on the watermelon and cucumber to sprout.

18 March, 2009


So I discovered this website www.pandora.com just before Christmas. It is a free "radio" music site that you can pick what type of music you want to listen to. You just tell it yes-I like this song or no-I don't like this song. It is way cool! Anyway- you can have up to 100 channels and when I first signed up I thought that there was no way I would ever have more than 15 tops. I Like music, but how many different types can one person like? I am now discovering that there are differences within the same genre. For example-Latin music. I was listening to Ottmar Liebert who plays a lot of guitar. A Desi Arnaz song came on and totally ruined the trance Liebert had put me in. So I had to create a seperate Desi Arnaz channel. I was listening to that and they tried to play a Pearl Django song. Django's softer jazz trio style totally clashed with the big band sound of Desi. I counted them up and I now have 49 seperate channels! And who knows how many more I have to come? They keep slipping in artists that I like, but don't want together. Oh and thanks to my older siblings, and much to my wife's surprise, I have Air Supply and Queen stations. So remember that music is a very diverse thing. Consider yourself forewarned while I go and deside if I want to listen to "Mormon Tabernacle Choir: or "I am a Child of God".

15 March, 2009

Leahona's Birthday!

LeAhona's Birthday is Tuesday. If you could remember that would be great!

Scripture Study

I admit that I am not the most patient of parents at times. I try, but something about preschoolers can be a little grating. We had a sister in our ward give a talk about reading the Book of Moromon. She said that when her children were little one of the brethren gave counsel to read with your children every day out of the scriptures. I felt that I needed to do so with Isabella. Maybe the spirit of the scriptures would help her to listen and obey better. So Leahona and I gave her a copy of her own of the Book of Mormon and we read a couple of verses out of it every night. She plays, she wiggles, and in general makes it a difficult thing. One night we had said goodnight and had turned out the light when Isabella started howling. I gave her a couple of minutes, told her to go to sleep. Finally I asked her what was the matter. "Daddy you didn't read me my scriptures!" I had forgotten. It felt good to know that she had been listening and feeling the spirit. Iyla feels it too. She gets so-o-o-o mad if she doesn't get to come in and read with us. And you know what? Isabella is still learning to be a good girl, and she still behaves pretty much the same, but I am the one with more patience and a better love and understanding for my girl. And I think that is the way it is supposed to be.

07 March, 2009

Are Mormons Christians?

I came across a thing the other day with that title. So I looked at it just to see what they had to say. Considering the fact that I was expecting the answer to be no, I was very impressed. The commenter said that the question is an interesting one. He said "Are Kiwanis clubbers christian? Certainly some are." He went on to say that to be a christian is to have a personal relationship with Christ and a faith and belief in Him and what He did for us. So the answer that he gave was that certainly some mormons are christian, and some are not. It really made me think. Am I a a christian? Do I have a personal relationship with my Savior? And what can I do to make that bond better? Can I improve? I hope so.